You Are Divine, Unity & The Divine Feminine  

A word I love ‘Connectivity’ also to be whole, this could also be experienced as Sacred Unity. The sacred is partly a remembering of our connectivity & interconnectivity, this can get buried sometimes under modern life. The mystical path of the Divine Feminine isn’t religious it’s spiritual & is inclusive to all. To heal the Divine Feminine is also to heal the Divine Masculine, which includes our own inner feminine and masculine, our unity. This is for both men & women. We live in a time of change. It is becoming more and more recognised that positive change is necessary. Returning to simple kind ways is part of this, it can be simply a return to love & compassion.

I currently share this work through Sacred Oils & Myrraphores. Mary Magdalene was the most famous Myrraphore, (working with the spirit of an oil).

Sacred oils aid, healing, awakening, and cultivating a sense of oneness

Sacred Oils within the lineage of Desert Rose & Mary Magdalene, is Myrraphore’s this word means Bearer Of Myrrh. Myrrh is an oil of great humility.


Spending time smelling the oil and absorbing the effects are beautiful, this is a way to work with the oils energetically. 

As this path evolves I look forward to sharing more practices as part of my offerings. I see these devotional practice’s as complimentary along side Reiki, there is no shadow work as such, there is light and total integration. Balance, alignment could also be described as our own alchemical marriage within, including the harmony of divine feminine & divine masculine within. 

On the path of the divine feminine there is a focus on; Embracing your own creativity, allowing and remembering your intuition, knowing when to lean into ‘being’ nurture over ‘doing’ action, embracing all aspects of yourself & life with loving kindness, compassion, the balance of giving and receiving, trust, abundance/spiritual beauty, interconnectivity & divinity. Luna energy, the moon cycles. The Mother. The Cosmic Womb. An awareness of union, non-duality. Inner & outer harmony. 






Sacred Oils

Reiki with Sacred Oils